Brit-Milah Dov Lekach Bassan - Scheck Hillel Community School

“Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha.”
They say that when Adar arrives, our joy is multiplied. This was certainly the case for the Lekach Bassan family on this day of Adar: the bris of their baby boy.
The first bris ever in Scheck Hillel’s Athletic Complex, Salo and Vicky introduced Dov to his community of friends and family. The room, tastefully decorated with Vicky’s colorful art pieces, filled to the brim with guests, overflowed with smiles. 
In the pieces, one word stood out: Ahava... Love. There was love in abundance.
Dov, your arrival certainly multiplied the joy for all those in your life and there with you on your special day.
IgalMR Films was honored to have been able to capture this moment in time for you.


Cinematography: IgalMR Films
Event Planner: Stephanie Esquenazi
Photography: Sharon Levy
Decoration: Victoria Lekach
Venue: Scheck Hillel Community School