Posts tagged Micro Event
Bar-Mitzvah Trailer Jesse Koplowitz

Filming Jesse’s Bar Mitzvah was an absolute honor—his smile never left his face, and the energy was just incredible! This was the second amazing celebration I’ve captured for this wonderful family, and it truly felt like being among friends. Jesse, your joy is contagious—Mazel Tov to you and your family!


Cinematographer: IgalMR Films
Planner and Decoration: JGroup Events
Photographer: Chantal Lawrie

Wedding Trailer Clarita & Edmond - The Sacred SPace

Clarita & Edmond, it was such a pleasure being able to film your special day! May you have simchas such as these, filled with loved ones all around you, throughout your lives. Mazal tov- and to many more!


Cinematographer: IgalMR Films
Planner and Decoration: JGroup Events
Photographer: El Marco Rojo
Venue: The Sacred Space Miami

Bnei-Mitzvah Trailer Joshua & Lily - Miami

It is extra exciting when a dear client is also a dear friend! In this case, both are! Mazal tov on a double simcha, Lily & Josh, you guys were amazing!

Everything impeccable and a warm feeling of love blanketed everyone present.
May this feeling follow you both always.


Cinematographer: IgalMR Films
Planner and Decoration: JGroup Events
Photographer: Jessica Kassin
Venue: The Sacred Space Miami

Wedding Trailer Gerry & Paul - Aventura, FL

We have all been living what many are calling our “new normal.” And while this may or may not be the case, one thing is for sure, we have opportunities to take great lessons from this with us. This beautiful bride and groom reminded us that it is always the right time to celebrate and look to a future together with hope. And to do so with our closest loved ones may be all we truly need. It is clear that you are both surrounded by love, whether present or virtually... and IgalMR Films wishes you a life filled with this love always! It was so special to share in your moment from behind the lens and celebrate another simcha in your family’s life!


Cinematographer: IgalMR Films
Planner and Decoration: JGroup Events
Photographer: Jessica Kassin

Bar-Mitzvah Trailer Ari Preciado - Netive Ezra

“We held you in our arms, wondering how we would fulfill the promise, not realizing then that part of the answer was already within you....” Vanessa said as she looked into Ari’s eyes. We make promises, we pray, we wish, we dream, we plan.... but Hashem has a special journey for each of us. We connect the dots only after he has drawn them out in our lives.... and then we say... Amen! Mazal tov Ari for a beautiful and meaningful ceremony! You made your parents beam with pride.


Cinematography: IgalMR Films
Photo: Arrow Photography
Venue: Netive Ezra